Happiness is Believing in God’s Promises

Sermon preached by the Rev. Dr. Vicki Gordy-Stith at Whatcoat UMC on Sunday, Dec. These days a lot of cheapest prices on cialis people are cottoning onto Ayurvedic Medicine for Sex to crank up their libido and sexual performance so that they can have a holistic and...

What does a Paceline look like?

I filmed the first 45 minutes of the group ride from Wyoming Park Wednesday evening, August 26, 2015, and uploaded the resulting file (merged with Garmin-GPX data using Dashware). Hope you like it! Here’s the Strava info for the whole ride. The application of...

BKOOL with the KICKR (on a snowy day)

I tried the BKOOL ride simulator today and wrote a lot about it here. It was a blast riding with a half dozen other riders on a course in Dubai! We had ourselves a race! The ANT+ or Bluetooth pairing worked seamlessly, without my babysitting and without a lot of...